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Why Is It Harder To Lose Weight As You Age?

5 Tips To Help You Stay In Shape Over Your 20s, 30s and Specially 40s !

Can you relate?!

Getting back into shape takes

about 9 minutes when you’re in your teens! :)

It’s not even that difficult in your 20s, if you commit to it.

You hit your 30s and a little voice inside your head says, “Uh oh… what’s going on here?” You can no longer get away with unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle.

And your 40s? Well… it’s not pretty. A perfect storm of factors collide :)

You’re spending long hours at work. You may even have a long commute, and so you sit and sit and sit. You’re becoming increasingly busy with your commitments to friends and family.

You could get up early in the morning and work out before your commute. But, you’re barely getting enough sleep as it is, and you just want another half hour of sleep. It’s a vicious cycle.

So, your poor health and fitness make you sluggish and tired, and you don’t feel like you have the energy to work out — and this drags your health and fitness lower and lower.

But, I’m here to tell you that there is hope!

This is about a daily process and a permanent lifestyle change.

Is up to you - if you will choose Personal Training , local Bootcamp, Online training or our 28 day group challenge - and you’re magically back in shape forever.

This isn’t a quick car repair. It’s consistent, ongoing, preventative maintenance.

We can do it - You can do it too 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Pm me for more details x

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